CWI TEST PART A: WIT Chapter 5에 관한 시험 문제 > CWI 온라인교육

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매일 360일 오후 1시, 수원 본점 무료 설명회
기숙사, 주차 편의기능지원
20~50대 고소득 국내외 취업교육
1599-0508 전화상담 문의

CWI TEST PART A: WIT Chapter 5에 관한 시험 문제

2024-03-14 15:59 417 0


로이드만의 CWI 교육을 진행하고있습니다. 

과거에 나온 시험 문제 + 데이터 기반으로 만든 시험 문제를

국내 어디에서도 보지 못 할 문제들로 교육 받으세요.

답은 댓글에 써주시고 나중에 확인하시면 됩니다 

1. What is the purpose of a Procedure Qualification Record (PQR)?

(A) To document the welding parameters used during a successful weld test.

(B) To list the qualifications of individual welders.

(C) To track the maintenance schedule of welding equipment.

(D) To specify the type of filler metal for a job

2. Which document specifies the general requirements for welding and fabrication processes?

(A) Welder's personal log

(B) A Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)

(C) Inspection checklist

(D) Equipment manual

3. Why are welding codes and standards important for a welding inspector?

(A) They provide personal opinions on best practices.

(B) They offer guidelines for setting up welding equipment.

(C) They establish the criteria for welding procedures and qualifications.

(D) They list the preferred suppliers of welding materials.

4. What role does the welding inspector play regarding welding filler materials?

(A) Evaluating the color and texture of filler materials.

(B) Assessing the storage and handling to prevent moisture or contamination.

(C) Deciding the brand of filler materials to be used for welding.

(D) Designing new filler materials for specific welding processes.

5. How does the welding inspector verify the preheat temperature is within the required range before welding starts?

(A) By estimating the temperature based on the color of the base metal.

(B) Using temperature-indicating crayons, pyrometers, or thermocouples.

(C) Checking the weather forecast and adjusting the welding schedule accordingly.

(D) Measuring the electrical resistance of the base metal.


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